Beth's bookcase, Bookcases, Woodworking Plans
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Free Woodworking Plan: You Can Build a Painted Bookcase

Past project: Beth's bookcase

After building a few bookcases over the years, I have determined that a woodworker could make a decent income just by building bookcases. For people who like to read, there often isn’t enough storage space for books, magazines and other such items.

So, I thought it would be good to publish a free woodworking plan about the construction of a simple, but stylish bookcase I built for my daughter. I would put this project in the beginner category due to the simple joinery and easy to use materials and finish. I did dress it up a bit by using classic architectural elements like simulated panels and nice crown and base moldings.

This plan is eleven pages in length and I explain the construction process using illustrations and a few photos. At the time this bookcase was built, I was just beginning to use a digital camera and I only took a few photos of the process. I also never even considered that someday I would be creating my woodworking plans. It has:

  • Seventeen large photos/illustrations
  • An exploded view
  • A full cut list
  • Links to web-based content

You Can Build a Painted Bookcase is offered as a FREE download. The only thing I ask in return is that you consider subscribing to my posts via email (see the subscribe box in the right side bar. If you don’t like the idea of subscribing, feel free to download the plan anyway.

Here is an example page from the plan.

Here is what Tom H. had to say about the painted bookcase plan:

“Thank you so much for providing the detailed plans for the bookcase. I looked for plans everywhere on the web and the style of your bookcase was exactly what I was looking for. Your details were excellent and the pictures were very helpful.”

Download now FOR FREE
Click the link below to begin your instant download. This breaks all the rules concerning online marketing, but I do not collect your email address and I have no way of knowing who is downloading this woodworking plan. This means no emails or spam will follow your download.


A note about my woodworking plans: I go to great lengths to organize them so they will be easy to follow. Prior to building a project, thoroughly read through the plan and make sure you understand all of the process. If you have any questions about the construction process, send me a message by using the form on my About/Contact page.


  1. Thanks David. The design is very straight forward and could be easily modified to accomodate a number of different things.

  2. GREAT book Jeff.

    I just downloaded it. I am very very impressed. I love all the detailed lists, instructions, renderings and simplicity you've created.

    I hope your proud of the results. Well done. Congrats!

  3. Jeff,
    That's a nice looking bookshelf. I need to make some myself, some day. Unfortunately, bookshelves are on page 2 or 3 of the honey-do list.

  4. Jason – thanks for the nice comment. I have just updated it since I found some typos in the last paragraph of page 11. I am pleased with it. I worked hard towards the end of the week making it look a little more in line with what other downloadable plans look like.

    Dyami – I know you have a lot on your plate. I have been following your Twitter posts this weekend.

  5. Laura L says

    Jeff, I stumbled upon your site doing a search for a how-to for making bookcases. I just wanted to thank you for the tutorial and also say that both bookcases (for your wife and the 8-footer) are absolutely stunning! I have never made anything myself but I am looking forward to eventually creating something as beautiful. Do you have a tutorial on the 8-foot case you just made? I would love something like that! 🙂 Thank you for sharing! I bet your wife is very proud, as you should be!

  6. Laura L: yes I do plan to offer an e-book on the “Massive Bookcase” as I call it. It will be early next year before I can complete it. Right now I am working on plans for the Tornado Bed.

    Thanks for your kind words and stay tuned.


  7. Heidi says

    I need doors on the bookcase to satisfy my husband. Would it be possible to modify these instructions to put doors on the massive bookcase?

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